Australia’s live music industry: let’s focus on some facts

For attribution to Evelyn Richardson, Chief Executive of Live Performance Australia.

Any discussion about the state of Australia’s live music industry needs to be focused on the facts – something regrettably missing from the ABC ‘Four Corners’ program last night. As the peak body for the live arts and entertainment industry, it’s disappointing that we weren’t approached for comment or data which could have led to a more informed story.

There’s no doubt some parts of the music industry are under real pressure, but to blame all of those problems on a single company is nonsensical and counter-productive to addressing the real issues at stake. Many of the challenges facing the Australian industry are being experienced globally.

Fact: Australia’s live music industry is highly competitive. No single company dominates the market, as asserted by Four Corners. The three largest promoters are all fiercely competing for artists and audiences, among many others. LPA’s own analysis of ticket attendance and revenue for contemporary music concerts and festivals shows no single promoter had a dominant market share. This is also readily obvious from a scan of the promoter’s own websites which show past and current tours.

Fact: Our industry operates within Australian competition and consumer laws. Suggestions that companies are operating outside the law, or indeed even ‘misusing their market power’ should be backed up with hard evidence. Members of Live Performance Australia, which include our major ticketing platforms, are also covered by our industry code of practice for ticketing.

Fact: What ‘Four Corners’ conspiratorially labelled ‘secret’ or ‘hidden’ fees (the ‘inside charge’) are actually an established practice under Australia’s consumer law which requires an ‘all-in’ pricing approach where all of the elements related to different costs built into the ticket are included in the single price.

Fact: Our major promoters provide valuable opportunities to showcase Australian talent to local and international audiences. Over 85 per cent of international tours to Australia have local support acts even though it’s ultimately a decision for the headline artist.

Fact: Average ticket prices for contemporary music have only grown by 2.7% CAGR from 2004 to 2023. There will always be variability year to year in average prices depending on a range of factors including international touring schedules and exchange rates. The comparison between 2022 and 2023 for example reflects a post-pandemic return to global touring and a shift towards bigger stadium level concerts by some major international artists.

There are structural challenges and transitions affecting all levels of the live music industry including huge increases in production and touring costs; new ways that audiences are discovering and experiencing music including through streaming platforms; and, changing audience preferences for the kind of live music experience they want.

‘Four Corners’ could have looked at some of these issues in a more thoughtful way instead of the misleading reporting we saw last night.

Moreover, the industry needs to lift the conversation to a much more strategic and collaborative mindset to drive industry growth, providing more opportunities for artists to build their careers and for audiences to discover, experience and enjoy more live music.

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